Friday, March 1, 2013

The Beginning of a New Hobby

It all started with Christmas, 2012, when I received a Mr. Beer home brewing kit as a gift from my parents.  I'd never considered home brewing before that point, even though I had a friend that had been doing so for years.  Now that I had a kit, I had a reason to give it a shot.

I read through all of the documentation that came with the kit, and watched the videos.  But the two week time frame Mr. Beer gave didn't sit right with me, based on past conversations I've had with my home brewing friend.  So I read, researched and read some more.  The community forum at the Mr. Beer website proved to be a valuable source of information.  There are some other home brew based forums out there, but they tend to look down on Mr. Beer kits and extract brewing in general.  Armed with my new found knowledge, I was ready to embark on my first batch, the Classic American Light that came with the kit.

I didn't decide to do this blog until I'd been brewing for a few months.  So the first several posts will be covering the past trying to catch up with current brewing activities.

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