Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Pour - Prophecy Ale

Tried the Prophecy Ale for the first time a couple of days ago.  The taste was mild, decent carbonation but little head.  An easy drinking brew that is pretty balanced, at least to my palate.  It will be interesting to see if the flavor profile evolves over time.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Gone but not forgotten

She's gone, it was just a matter of time. Were there problems? Yes, I'll admit mistakes were made, this being my first and all. And her personality wasn't quite as bubbly as it should have been. But she had the looks, smell, and taste to make her a keeper. But after 16 1/2 liter bottles, she is gone, I've finished off my first brew. I look forward to making this one again, hopefully without the mistakes from the first time.