Took a big step and started shaing my brew with others. Gave two friends bottles of the red ale the previous weekend, but they both left on trips before being able to sample it. The inlaws were in town this past weekend, so my father in law tried the Bavarian I had in the fridge. I wasn't too sure about it as this was the second tasting after letting it sit for an additional month. Poured off two samples into little glasses and the rest into a regular glass. He and I both tried the samples, he really liked it, so he got to finish it off. He commented on how good it was, so I was quite pleased. There were no sour apple notes in the sample I had, so the extra time conditioning has paid off. Now I need to put another one in the fridge for me.
Updated: 2013/06/29:
Received feedback from one of the friends I gave a red ale to. Here's his comments:
James - finally made time to try your Red. Excellent brew - very smooth, nice robust flavor. Looking forward to sampling more of your creations!
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